To be the Single Access Point for multi cultural small business services & products in the communities we serve.
Our mission is to be the primary resource for members to contribute to the economic vitality of the community by promoting growth, fostering trade and commerce, collaborating with other organizations; empowering them through educational and mentoring programs and access to services and other tools.
Core Values
Integrity & Mutual Respect
We adhere to personal and organizational guidelines of behavior that, publicly and privately, are morally binding in principle and in practice and should never be compromised at any given time and circumstance;
We form business and strategic partnerships among the various local organizations marked by openness, trust and cooperation, establishing community programs mutually beneficial to all parties.
Equal Opportunity to Grow
We value a level playing field, where each organization or individual has an opportunity to succeed. We work to create a business climate that attracts new investment and enhances growth and expansion opportunities for existing businesses.
Entrepreneurial Spirit
We provide programs, connect to services and products of highest quality that would support the needs of our members at every stage of development.
We recognize civic opportunities, formulate solutions and mobilize resources to bring to reality our vision of a thriving, prosperous multi cultural business community.